The Church of St Georgije in Oplenac

Црква Св. Ђорђа

Saint Sava
Sveti Sava

Mother of God

Jesus Christ
Isus Hristos

Our Lord
Gospod naš

Године 1903. Краљ Петар I Карађорђевић је изабрао место 337 метара високо, на врху Опленца као локацију за своју задужбину, цркву Св. Ђорђа. 1. маја 1910. године започета је градња цркве, према плановима Косте Ј. Јовановића. У јесен 1912. године црква је већ била скоро довршена и чекала на освећење. Архиепископ српски Димитрије је освештао цркву.
У затишјима између балканских ратова 1913. године и Првог светског рата 1914. године наступио је застој у довршењу цркве. Када је Аустроугарска окупирала Србију, пред зиму 1915. године, црква је била изложена бруталном пљачкању – скинут је и однет бакарни покривач са кубета и кровова, као и бакарна украсна оплата са портала. Нестали су и громобран, звона. Полупани су многи прозори, мермерни стубићи и орнаменти. Под изговором да ту може бити склоњена важна архива, окупатори су оскрнавили гробове у крипти.
he church is a five-domed structure. The interior length of the temple is 30 metres (98 ft), and the height of the arch is 27 metres (89 ft). The width of each narthex is 9 metres (29 ft), and so is the span of the central dome. All four façades were made from white marble, which comes from the Venčac Mountain. The main façade, the most decorative one, is the western one. The portal’s semicircle hosts a mosaic icon of St. George, to whom the church is dedicated. Made in Venice according to the plan of the known Serbian artist, Paja Jovanović, on the basis of a golden mosaic, this icon symbolizes the victory of the Serbian people over its enemies. Above the portal, in a circle, the old Karađorđević Family Coat of Arms has been sculpted, on whose sides two typical men from Šumadija region are shown, holding the flags. The rest of it is mostly identical to the Coat of Arms of Serbia. The floor of the church was made in Munich, out of polished marble, in various colours. Lifted on a small podium, the throne for the King and Queen is made of polished green marble, its back is decorated with golden mosaic and mother-of-pearl, in the middle is the two-headed eagle. The arm-rest is made of marble from Dečani, while the entire seat rests on sculpted lions. The huge chandelier, 9 metres in diameter, is underneath the main dome, hanging in 8 places, above the pendent. It has been molten out of massive bronze, and weighs 1500 kilograms (3300 lb). In the chandelier is a Crown set upside-down (symbolising the lost Serbian Empire in Kosovo battle in 1389).
Info from Wikipedia

Serbian Icons from Dom Museum

Deisis with Serbian Saints
Artist: Avesalom Vujicic
National Musuem in Belgrade

The Saintly Brankovic Family
Artist: Nikola Neskovic
Museum of the Serbian Orthodoc Church

Mileševa monastery

Beli Anđeo

Налази се на шестом километру од Пријепоља на реци Милешевци. Рашки по стилу, подигао га је краљ Стефан Владислав (1234—1243) у првој половини XIII века као своју задужбину, а у њој је и сам сахрањен.
У припрати, коју је краљ Владислав доградио 1235. године, положио је мошти свог стрица светог Саве. Њих су Турци 1594. године приликом освајања пренели на Врачар (Београд) и спалили, у покушају да сломе српски дух.

Манастир је настао у време Латинског царства, када и настаје такозвани „пластични стил“ који се одликује монументалношћу, избегава декоративност и нагиње формама класичне антике. У манастирској цркви се 1377. године за краља Србљем и приморјемкрунисан је Твртко I Котроманић, сестрић Цара Душана. Стефан Вукчић Косача се у њој 1446. године прогласио „херцегом од Светог Саве“, по чему је Херцеговина добила име.
Манастир је данас седиште епископије Српске православне цркве на чијем је челу епископ Филарет Мићевић, под чијим су руководством окружење манастира и манастирски конаци добили изузетно сређен изглед.

Sveti Sava

Фреске Милешеве се убрајају међу најбоља европска остварења 13. века, а од њих најпознатији је Бели Анђео, која је у склопу фреске (Мироноснице на Христовом гробу.) Поред Белог анђела друга ремек-дела су Богородица из Благовести и Ктиторска композиција са портретом краља Владимира. Ова дела такође представљају и највеће домете сликарства тог доба у Европи.

Историјски портрети: Иконографија Немањића, на јужном зиду краљевић Владислав, а на североисточном ликови Немање, Светог Саве, Стефана Првовенчаног, Радослава и Драгослава.

18th Century Serbian Orthodox Icons

Saint King Milutin
Stefan Uroš II Milutin
Стефан Урош II Милутин
18th Century
Tempera on board

Stephen the first Crowned
( The Venerable Simon )
18th Century
Tempera on Board

Trptyich with Deisis and the Saints
Artist : Georgije Stojanovič
Tempera on Board

The Serb Saints
18th Century
Tempera on Board

St. Stephen of Dečani and
St. Sava and St. Simeon
Stanoje Popovič
Artist: Stanoje Popovič
18th century
Tempera on board

Arsenius 1. Serbian Archbishop
Artist: Maksim Tujkovič
Tempera on Board

Radul, Deisis with the Saints
17th Century
Tempera on Board

Sunday, May 29, 2011

İnas Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi

Ömer Adil

Kızlar Atölyesi
Tual / Yağlıboya
81 x 118 cm

Sanayi-i Nefise'den sonra kızlar sanat konusunda eğitim almak için 31 sene bekler ve sonunda okul Zeynep Hanım konağının iki odasında eğitim vermeye başlar.Bazı kaynaklar tarih olarak 1926'da gerçekleştiğini yazar.Şüphesiz bu okulun açılmasında batılılasma hareketinin etkisi olduğundan bahsetmek zorundayız.Özellikle 17.yüzyıl sonundan itibaren askeri alanda batıyı örnek alan Osmanlı, buradaki sosyal donusumlere duyarsız kalmaz,örnek vermek gerekirse İngiltere ve Fransa'da 20.yüzyılın başında yasallaşan ve kadına eşitlik tanınan hakların bazıları Osmanlı toplum düzenine de yansıtılmış.Örneğin 1914’te kızlar için İnas Darülfünun’u kurulur 1921’e kadar da açık kalır.Bu gelişmelerde özellikle İstanbul çevresinin aydın ve külturlü kesiminin rolü büyük olmuştur.

Ömer Adil

Kızlar Atölyesi
( Detay )

Okul 1 kasım 1914’te kurulmuş ve Mihri Müşfik hanım okulun ilk müdürlüğünü ve aynı zamanda atölye hocalığını yapmaya başlamıştır.Öğretim kadrosu büyük ölçüde erkek okulundan sağlanır.Okulda eğitim veren kadro Anatomi dersine Ali Nurettin Berkal, Sanat tarihi ve Estetik dersine Vahit bey, daha sonra Ahmet Haşim, Perspektif dersini A. Ziya Akbulut eğitim vermiştir ayrıca okulda isteyenlerin devam ettiği heykel dersinin hocalığını da İhsan Özsoy yapar.

Resimler Eczacıbaşı Sanal Müzesinden alınmıştır.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Teodor Kračun - Теодор Крачун

Though Teodor Kračun lived in the enlightened 18th century. his biography cannot be reconstructed in full.Aside from the well-known fact that Kračun, the '' scatterbrain '', fell from scaffolding while working in Sremski Karlonci, little else is knwon about his life, that icons were being placed on the sculpted, wooden iconostasis.The sarcasm of his contemporaries was probaly a result of Kračun's bohemnian lifestyle, which wasn't necessarily unknown to Serbian artists, even in the 18th century.

Three Century of Serbian Painting, Miodrag Jovanovic

Flag of Karađorđe Petrović

Sveti Stefan Nemanjić

Stephen II Nemanjić (Serbian Cyrillic: Стефан II Немањић, Stefan II), known afterwards as Stephen the First Crowned (Стефан Првовенчани, Stefan Prvovenčani; 1165 – September 24, 1228) was a 13th-century Serb King that ruled 1217-1228, he ruled the Medieval Serbian Principality 1196-1217, promoting it to kingdom, being one of the most important of the long lasting Nemanjić ruling dynasty

Museum of Kragujevac: Portrait of Serbian Commanders, XIX. CENTURY SERBIAN ART

Portrait of Nastas Georgijevic Arslan

Lavrentije Konstantin Brankovan

Portrait of Stevan Jovanovic

Stevan Todorovic

Portrait of Ilija Popovic

Uros Knezevic

Portrait of Tanasija Vukicevic

Uros Knezevic

Portrait of Prince Milos Obradovic

Pavle Cortanovic

Stevan (Steva) Todorović was one of the main representatives of the Serbian romanticism. In the spirit of romanticism he painted portraits and historical compositions which have been preserved till nowadays. He is considered to be the author of the first free landscape in modern Serbian art. There were some very unusual themes in his work, such as the composition Gymnastic Society. He also painted iconostasis. He was a respected painter,citizen, versatile personality and initiator of numerous projects such as the establishment of Serbian Amateur Theater, periodization of Serbian art.
However, he was not only a painter, but also an actor, singer, gymnast and teacher of drawing. He wrote in his autobiography that he studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in the class of Professor Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, yet his name cannot be found in the student’s records. Nevertheless, he left behind more than thousand paintings and numerous aquarelles and drawings, among which the portrait of Kornelije Stanković and historical composition Hajduk Veljko by Cannon. To this day he is recognized as one of the most important representatives of Serbian Romanticism.
Stevan Todorovic painted "Portrait of Stevan Jovanovic" (The Javor's hero, Serbian lieutenant who died in the battle of Javor during the Serbian-Turkish wars 1876-1878)

Uroš Knežević (1811–1876) was a Serbian painter born in the town of Sremski Karlovci, to father Teodor and mother Julijana. Even though he spent most of his life in Serbia, there is very little information about his life. About his first years of education the artist himself wrote that he had enjoyed drawing even as a child and that he felt thoroughly devoted to that "wonderful art" of drawing. He first studied drawing at the Sremski Karlovci high school. He moved from Vojvodina to Serbia in 1834, where he actively practiced painting until 1844. His work was essential in introducing art to Serbia and educating the local population in art appreciation. During his time in Serbia he supported himself by painting portraits of the local nobility and prominent citizens. However, the local population was still quite unwelcoming of the art, and the portrait fees were often not paid. This made it difficult for Knežević to earn enough to support himself, let alone to save enough for his education in Vienna which he so passionately wanted. Even the royal family refused to pay for the many portraits, coats of arms and other symbols that Knežević made for them. Finally, he found well-paying work in painting walls and icons for Belgrade churches. This enabled him to save enough to fulfill his dream of studying in Vienna. About his stay in Vienna he wrote that it had been a very happy time of his life, and he had been the happiest when his work was recognized by being exhibited in the Viennese Art Exhibition of 1846. However, the Viennese Royal Art Academy did not even have a record of his name among the students. Some sources indicate that Knežević also painted the portraits of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić (Serbian linguist and reformer of the Serbian language) and his family.
He is considered the foremost Serbian portraitist of the nineteenth century. He died in 1876 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Pavle Čortanović (1830-1903) he enrolled at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in 1851, however he never finished his studies. The best guidance and teaching in art, he received from his father Petar Čortanović, who was also a painter. His spatiality was etching but he painted altarpiece as well.
Pavle Čortanović - Portrait of Prince Milos Obradovic, the Duke in the first Serbian uprising and the leader of the second insurrection, Prince and ruler of Serbia

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Uroš Predić - Урош Предић

Uroš Predić

Saint Andrew the First Called

It is somewhat easier to discuss Uroš Predić since he composed an autobiography, wrote about himself and other artists, readily responded to questions and saved correspondence with friends that was full of observations about life, society, politics, science and art, which made it possible to consider him as one of the greatest intellectuals among Serbian artists.The subjectivity of those written texts is minimal because the main charecteristic of his works, as well as of his long life, was conscientiousness.Though without a personal family life and without children '' The obscure power of fate hovers above all human endeavours'' , in some of his paintings, he sends the message that '' Without protecting public welfare, there cannot be individual happiness and progress.''

Three Century of Serbian Painting, Miodrag Jovanovic

Paul Ranson

Woman Standing at a Balustrade with a Poodle, 1895

Vines, 1902

Ferdinand du Puigaudeau

Chinese Shadows, the Rabbit, 1895

Grande Briere Landscape, 1924-26

Fireworks over the Port

Breton Girls with Chinese Lanterns, 1896

Moulin de la Mass, near Batz, 1910

Leopold Survage : Paintings

Colored Rhythm Study for the Film (21)

Colored Rhythm Study for the Film (20)

Colored Rhythm Study for the Film (2)

Леополд Фридрих Леополда Леополдовитцх Стурзваге или Сурваге (31. јула,1879, Москва - 31. октобра 1968, Париз) је француски сликар из Москве.